Posts Tagged ‘vintage’

If etsy was a town, I’d move there

April 9, 2011

Because not only does it have all the most beautiful handmade things, it also has vintage. If you’ve been reading for a while you may have picked up that my love of vintage predates (and surpasses) even my love of craft and handmade.

A couple of weeks ago I bought this beautiful vintage coffee jug and creamer set. I just adore the smoky silver accents and the chemist’s-laboratory look they have. Definitely using these at my next dinner party.

Owl clock

March 25, 2010

My new owl clock arrived today!

Well I say new—it’s a vintage piece I bought on Etsy. The wait was (subjectively) interminable, but in reality probably reasonable. Hurrah for feeding my owl addiction!


February 13, 2010

Some treasures found at the Farmer’s Markets and the Gorman House Markets today.

Vintage buttons, silver-plated Grosvenor ‘Christine’ coffee spoons, and heirloom cherry tomatoes :)

My favourite dress

November 13, 2009

This week for Favourite Friday, I’d like to share my favourite dress.


This is a vintage 1960s handmade shift, with a wide neckline, no sleeves, a scooped back and body darts, falling to mid-calf, and covered, covered, in blue and green sequins.

vintage glamour

I found it last year on Ebay and loved it so much I hardly batted an eyelid at the international shipping charges. It’s always a bit risky buying clothes without trying them on, and with vintage you absolutely have to know your measurements, since sizing has changed so much. Even so, things sometimes need altering (and yes, I’m one of those people who sees no problem with altering vintage pieces). But this fits like it was made for me. I love it.

retro femininity

I love the way the sequins are sewn overlapping, like little scales. When I wear it I imagine I’m a mermaid or a magical sea creature. I love the wide and gently curved neckline, which shows a modest décolletage. I love how the back swoops slightly lower than usual. I love the colour, distinct blues and greens up close, but from further away melded into my favourite in-between shade, which so suits my pale skin. I love the length, longer than other skirts of the era, which is so flattering and at the same time a little classy. It’s funny how a few extra inches changes a look. I wore this to work on my birthday last year and it made the day wonderful, even if it was a little incongruous.

I love this dress because it’s special, because it’s one of a kind, because it’s pretty and sparkly and flattering, and because it makes me happy. It’s definitely my favourite.


A little bit of parent-love on a Wednesday

October 14, 2009

I found the wonderful site My Parents Were Awesome through the Frankie newsletter the other day, and am in love already. Who knew looking at old photos of other people’s parents could be so cool? Perhaps it’s because I’m a big lover of vintage fashion, or because I really treasure my relationship with my parents. In any case, looking at those photos made me remember some of the awesome ones that are tucked away in Mum and Dad’s photo albums—my parents as a young couple going to a ball in full 70s regalia, my Mum looking hot in a bikini, Dad’s great 70s hairstyle. I have to grab some of those next time I go home—I don’t have any here or I would definitely share them! But here’s a pic of me and Mum, taken when I was about 3 months old. I love that perm, and the straw fans on the wall in the background.

mum and me

I think the concept of My Parents Were Awesome is so lovely—what’s nicer than celebrating the people who brought you into this world, and their lives before they did?

An escape

August 17, 2009


We’ve just come back from the loveliest weekend away. So peaceful and quiet, just what we both really needed. We stayed in a secluded cottage surrounded by bushland at Bawley Point, where all you can hear is the birds and the breeze in the gums, and you never see any other people. We spent the whole time relaxing: sleeping, reading, knitting. Sitting in front of the fire. Enjoying the coolness on the deck. Lovely.

On Sunday afternoon we wandered through the beautiful little town of Milton, and had lunch at a very good vegetarian cafe. I was delighted to find a shop selling old wares and vintage pieces, and came home with two awesome bargains. A brown glass jug and four tumblers, all in the shape of owls (owls!)

owly goodness

which I can just imagine drinking homemade ginger beer out of, and a set of six adorable rose-patterned, gilt-edged trios.


I think this calls for a tea party. As soon as the weather warms up.

Even without these lucky finds it was a wonderful weekend—so good to be free of the distractions of home, to have time for ourselves and each other, and to be in such a beautiful place.
